The squat rack is a well-liked weight machine where you can target the large muscles in your legs and glutes with heavy weights on a barbell. With the aid of the squat rack, you are able to squat heavier than you otherwise could. Though squat racks are present in the majority of gyms, you won’t likely find one at Planet Fitness. Please read this article and try to figure out why planet fitness doesn’t have squat racks.
Why Don’t Gyms Have Squat Racks?
Squat racks are not commonly found in commercial gyms because they take up a lot of floor space, are pricey to buy, and are not frequently used by gym patrons. Instead, gyms emphasize a sizable cardio section along with a modest free weight area.
Does Planet Fitness Have Squat Racks?
Established in 1992, Planet Fitness. There are many different pieces of gym equipment like treadmills and ellipticals available thanks to the thousands of franchise Fitness Clubs that exist worldwide, and amenities offered such as the Depending on the club you visit, the Black Card membership may include both Total Body Enhancement and Hydromassage equipment.
Squat racks are one piece of fitness gear that isn’t present in every Planet Fitness facility. A squat rack was still available in some Planet Fitness locations a few years ago. However, it’s unlikely that a squat rack will be found at Planet Fitness any time soon.
If you set the safety pins or bars correctly, you can use a squat rack without a human spotter. That might be a valid explanation for why Planet Fitness used to have them.
Additionally, strengthening the legs, which contain the largest muscles in the body, is a great way to get in shape. In general, the squat rack is a great piece of exercise gear to have in any gym.
Why Did Planet Fitness Remove Squat Racks?
Squat racks are fantastic, but most Planet Fitness clubs no longer have them because they are viewed as intimidating. Remember, Planet Fitness isn’t your usual gym (heck, it’s a “fitness club”, not a “gym”).
It’s more geared toward regular gym patrons than professional bodybuilders. They are more suited to people who don’t want to feel intimidated or judged when using different gym equipment.

Free weights are also utilized with squat racks. Moreover, using heavy free weights could be risky. Of course, many people know how to use them correctly. However, beginners make up the bulk of Planet Fitness’s clientele. That increases the risk of injury, which Planet Fitness does not want due to liability concerns and rising insurance costs.
Bodybuilders with prior experience using different types of gym equipment are not the primary target audience for Planet Fitness.
Since PF caters more to newcomers, the owners select safer, less intimidating, and more beginner-friendly exercise equipment, such as rowing machines. PF is seeking individuals who are unlikely to set off the lunk alarm. It makes sense that Planet Fitness’ selection of exercise equipment would evolve over time.
Squat Rack Alternative At Planet Fitness
You could still practice more difficult squats at Planet Fitness even without the use of squat racks. You can still use alternative machines. Smith’s device is one of them. The Smith apparatus is a multipurpose piece of equipment that can be used as a bench press, squat rack, etc.
In particular when a trainer or spotter isn’t present, these machines—which have the weight attached to them—are safer to use than other machines.
The Smith machine’s restricted range of motion is why some people dislike it. Even so, it can be used to develop the muscles in your legs. The Smith machine is additionally safer and simpler to use, even for beginners.
Utilizing free weights while performing your lunges and squats is an additional option. Not just your biceps and triceps can benefit from using free weights. Other exercises like squats and lunges may become more difficult as a result of them.
The leg press machine is also accessible. It can still help you work out your legs even though it might not be a perfect substitute for squats. Leg presses are similar to squats, but with a stronger emphasis on leg movement. Squats, on the other hand, also work other muscle groups, including the abs and hips.
What Distinguishes The Smith Machine From A Squat Rack?
Two steel stands that have two or more pins each make up a squat rack (also known as a half rack). These steel stands can be joined together or kept apart entirely. A smith machine is a weight machine that consists of a fixed barbell that offers nearly vertical movement.
Can I Put A Squat Rack On My Floor?
Most well-built homes have a second floor where you can safely install a gym with a squat rack, weights, and cardio machines. Verify that your home was constructed in accordance with the code by comparing the total weight of your belongings to the limit of your floor. Also, it’s best to avoid dropping your weights while working out on the second floor.
Squat racks were once available at Planet Fitness. But since it was deemed intimidating, they decided to take them off their list of tools. For the safety of their members, they were also taken out and replaced with equipment that was more user-friendly.
As a result, another gym might be a better fit if your goal is to concentrate on bodybuilding. Planet Fitness might be less intimidating if you want to start getting in shape but are unsure of where to begin.